Studying in a college or even school having lots of free time ! Why not use that time to earn some money, well if you are that guy this is the right blog for you. In this blog we will discuss about the five best ways you can earn online . Firstly there is no process through which you will get free money, everything needs time and passion,so if you can invest both of them you can earn. With all these stated LETS GET STARTED. 5. SELLING PHOTOS : Good in photography have a DSLR why not make some money ,even if you don't have a DSLR ,everyone has a smartphone now a days and most of the people try their hand in photography , so if you are good in photography and you have clicked some good to excellent images, why not sell them online and earn some money ? maybe because you don't know , all the shutterbugs reading this there are several websites around where you can sell your photos for a decent enough price for example Shutterstock.. So, why wait try it . ...